Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The shortcut to attracting anything!

The shortcut to attracting anything you want is simple: Be happy now.

This is the key for two reasons:

  1. If you are happy, you are automatically, simultaneously attracting more of your heart’s desires (without even consciously focusing on them) – the Universe will just keep giving you MORE of what makes you happy.
  2. If you are simply happy now, you don’t NEED anything else to MAKE you happy, so you are happy.

Now that may sound flippant, but it is actually good advice – the shortcut to attracting more of what makes you happy is to look for reasons to feel happy now! It is the essence of the Law of Allowing – make yourself a vibratory match to that which you are seeking.

Look for the good things in your life, try to find reasons to feel good, list the positive aspects of situations and people around you, think of the ways in which your life is “just right” right now, search for examples of good news, collect stories and memories of the good things that have happened in the past and are happening still, all around you. Ask the Universe to give you experiences to feel really happy about…

I’d be willing to bet that not only will you feel really good, but you’ll be having more happy coincidences come your way too!

Monday, February 19, 2007

What are you focusing on?

No, REALLY, what are you focusing on??!

Try this little exercise: Think of a couple of areas in your life in which you have goals and/or ideally you wish some improvements were made… Perhaps your job, the state of your home (I mean its organizational appearance as opposed to the area of the country you live in – but either, if a problem, will do), maybe how much fun & recreation you are getting these days, your health, your social life/personal relationships, money, money, money, finances, money…

Now, for each one of those areas that you’d like to improve a bit, what is the FIRST image that pops to mind when you think of it?

Be really honest here – it is a matter of life and death to your true desires! ...WHY does that aspect of life need improving?

If you are like most people, myself included, the chances are that the VERY FIRST image that comes to mind when you think of those areas (on the subjects that need some improvement) is what is wrong with them, or, what you DO NOT have.

  • When I think of my house, the FIRST thought that comes to mind is that it is a mess…
  • When I think of money, my mind instantly races to the bills that need to be paid…
  • When I think of my body/health, I can just feel the little roll over the top of my jeans and my sore back…
…And I am not alone! I have many a friend, who, when asked about his or her love life, will almost instantaneously reply that there isn’t one before I have even finished the question!

THAT is what you are focusing on! (And, THAT is what you are creating more of!)

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, and that what we think about expands. If you have seen The Secret, you have heard the expression that "where attention goes, energy flows". Well, those pictures, images and feelings that flash across your mind when you think of a subject ARE where YOUR ATTENTION is going! …THAT is what you are focusing on, and, consequently, it is what you are getting more of in your life. Bummer.

The antidote is to start to form pictures in your mind of what you DO WANT in those life areas… Each time you catch yourself snapping to the depression inducing woes of what is wrong, say to yourself: “That is not my reality! My reality is ______” and form a vision of what it might look like if it already WAS they way you DO WANT it to be!

  • Envision what your house would look like if it were neat and organized…
  • Picture your “accounts payable” box as empty and a lovely sum on your bank statement…
  • Imagine what it would feel like for your clothes to be loose, and to be totally healthy…
  • Compose an image in your mind of being with that special someone and filled with joy…

It’s easier said than done, I know. But it has GOT to be better than spending the kind of time I have been spending picturing (focusing on) exactly what I don’t want and expecting the opposite of that to suddenly just appear!

...I'll let you know when my house is clean.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The key to $$$$...

The key to Money is knowing what you want TO DO with it!!!

Money energy needs channels to flow into and through your experience... In other words, instead of focusing on the money you want, think about what you intend to DO with it!

Picture and visualize what you will be doing, having, experiencing, and FEELING **AFTER** you have the money you would like to have.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Nothing is more important than that I FEEL GOOD!

"Nothing is more important than that I feel good!"

This is a quote you have no doubt heard if you have listened to any of the Abraham-Hicks recordings or been to any of their events. But, even if you have not, it is an excellent quote to commit to memory and say often!

In terms of the Law of Attraction, there is NOTHING that is more important than FEELING GOOD!!!

In a nutshell, there are four reasons for this:
1) The deeper longing underneath almost every goal, wish, dream, desire or wanting is usually happiness, joy, fulfillment, satisfaction, wellness, peace - to feel better than you did before - to FEEL GOOD!
2) What you think about expands... When you feel good you are simultaneously attracting more of what your inner self (true self, higher wisdom, heart of hearts) wants for yourself! Even if you are not feeling good "because" you are making progress on whichever goal is foremost in your mind - just feeling good is making ALL of YOUR wishes and desires manifest more quickly for you! This is a part of the Law of Allowing - when you FEEL GOOD you are ALLOWING your desires to manifest FOR you!
3) Even if you do not know why you may not be feeling that hot, simply stating the desire "I want to feel good! Nothing is more important than that I feel good!" will begin to bring your attention to that which can make you feel better and better, and begin to raise your vibration.
4) Feeling good JUST FEELS GOOD!!!

So, go out there and FEEL GOOD today! Look for reasons to FEEL GOOD! Try to find things to FEEL GOOD about, and more GOOD will find you! (And, best of all, when you are FEELING GOOD, the particular good that you like best of all is the GOOD you are attracting more of!

FEEL GOOD and prosper!